Thursday, May 7, 2009

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome is a disease which you are born with an extra chromosome. There are three of the chromosome when you should only have two. Some symptoms from Down Syndrome are having a flat face with a shorter neck. A person with  Down Syndrome usually has small hands and small feet. Having Down Syndrome also causes complications internally such as loose ligaments, skeletal issues, eye problems and ear problems. Only 50% of infants born with Down Syndrome live past the age of fifty. A woman who is 25 has a 1 in 1,250 risk of having a child with this disease whereas, a woman who is 40 has a 1 in 100 chance of having a child with Down Syndrome. There is no cure for Down Syndrome but special education, speech therapy, special exercises and occupation therapy are beneficial to a person with Down Syndrome. I feel really bad for anyone who has Down Syndrome. It's sad that they have no cure for a child born with Down Syndrome. It is also really bad that only 50% of people with Down Syndrome live past the age of 50. It must also be hard because people may look at you weird because you look different. I hope in the future scientist will find a cure for children with Down Syndrome.

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