Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mount Redoubt

A look at the east flank of the Mount Redoubt volcano in November.
Mount Redoubt in Alaska is expected to erupt very soon. They expect based on the past behavior of this volcano that this activity is going to culminate in an eruption. The activity includes small earthquakes and continuous volcanic tremor. On Sunday scientist raised the alert status to "watch level." "Watch level" means that the volcano has reached certain heights where it is supposed to erupt. The volcano shouldn't cause severe damage to anyone. Falling ash is a problem though, people should wear a mask to protect themselves from it. Mount Redoubt last erupted about 20 years ago in December 1989 and it lasted until April 1990. Geologist expect this time to be a similar or smaller than the one in 1989.

I got my information from:

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