Monday, January 14, 2008

Judith P. Klinman is a biochemist. She was born in Pollack in 1941. Judith grew up in Philadelphia and had a young intrest in science. She always did very good in school. Her parents couldn't afford collage for her so it was great that she got a partail scholarship to the University of Pennslyvania in 1966. Judith P. Klinman graduated the University of Penslyvania, i ivy league school second in her class. She completed her graduates at the New York University. There she meet Norman Klinman who became her husband in 1963. Her husband and her than transfered to the University of Penslyvania to complete their doctorates. While a graduate student, judith gave birth to her first son. Next, her and her husband worked at the Weizman Institute in Rehovct, Israel. There Judith studied the way diggerent isotopes of the same element behave in certain chemical reactionsin the human body.After 16 months at the institute, she joined her husband briefly in London, where he had accepted a research position at University College. She was allowed to do research while there, but unlike her husband, she didn't get paid for her work. Than she came back to the United States and she joined the Cancer reaserch. In 1978 she became the first woman professor in the chemistry department of the University of California, Berkeley, where she continues to do research on enzymes today.

i got my information from:

Judith P. Klinman- about her life.