In Brazil their is the worlds largest cashew tree. The tree is in Natal, Brazil.It is a 117 year old cashew tree.The tree covers 8500 square meters of land. This tree grows almost 80,000 fruits from November to January. This tree causes many trafic jams. This tree is eighty times the size of most cashew trees. The cashew tree is harmed by the cars which drive by it. In the ninty's the trees routes started growing onto the highway, allowing only one car to pass at a time. This is when the problem began. Specialist are afraid taht the tree may die if they try to trimm it. The tree has two genetic strange conditions that caused it to grow sideways. A normal cashew tree would grow upwards.The tree brings many tourest to the area. Their is not yet a soulution for the tree which is getting harmed by cars.
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